We've already seen that there are various different kinds of expressions that convey presuppositional meaning. Presupposition Triggering from Alternatives | Journal of ... Presupposition, assertion, and definite descriptions ... • FacBve verbs: I regret [know, realize, etc.] The identification is based on the presupposition triggers 16/01/2019 and classification based on six type of presupposition. (PDF) Presupposition - ResearchGate (PDF) The problem of Presupposition in George Orwell's ... PDF Presupposition - University of Notre Dame Presupposition-triggers contribute to the brevity and diversity of advertising language because advertisers can convey the advertised information through vari ous presupposition-triggers in accordance with the actual needs. "You just have to write down your best examples." You have a lot of examples! What is presupposition and its types? An example of that is the presupposition trigger too. The first way is through presupposition triggers, and the second one is to think of them as ways of expressing shared or non controversial knowledge. This word triggers the presupposition that, roughly, something parallel to what is stated has happened. presupposition projection, wherein it arises solely through the conventional content of the relevant presupposition trigger. For example, the presupposition of the possessive construction is easy to accommodate, while those of additive particles and pronouns like he are not . If there is a predicate with an omissible argument, which triggers a presupposition with the involvement of an argument, the presupposition becomes anaphoric if the argument is omitted. However, presupposition cancellation in other embedded contexts, and with Language has a significant role too in the communication and interpretation of intentions by analyzing presupposition in political speeches. Does verbs like enjoyed, paid, looking forward, commended and delighted also count as factive verbs which trigger presuppositions?. 36 To account for all these examples, we assume, with Coppock and Beaver 4, that DDs don't trigger uniqueness presupposition, but only a weaker presupposition, in which uniqueness is dependent from existence. The presupposition of (5a) is that right before January 1, John smoked. Footnote. In English, the words the, stop, and again, among others, act as presupposition triggers. An example of that is the presupposition trigger too. Though words like knew or realised are commonly know factive verbs that trigger presupposition. • CleO construcBons: What killed Smith was a poisoned pork chop. Furthermore, this section will include examples of how these triggers work. time. Presupposition Trigger. Again, the combination is very odd, though I find the variant (5b) a bit better.Throughout the paper, clefts will be used as a core case of a 'hard' presupposition trigger, where it is impossible or at least relatively hard to cancel the presupposition. not bald.', in which the relevan t constructions, or presupposition triggers, . Presupposition triggers differ with respect to the ease with which their presupposition can be accommodated, i.e., how felicitous the utterance is when the presupposition is new to the addressee. Arguably, this is where we need to seek a (partially) pragmatic explanation for this difference, one that will permit us to predict under what contextual conditions projection arises in the less robust types of examples. In the literature, these are often referred to as presupposition triggers.Such expressions can be lexical items, as in the case of "stop" in (1), or more complex constructions, such as the cleft sentence (2). In retrospect it is strange that the early writings about presupposition by linguists The aim of the present study is to link this theoretical insight to the practice of legislative drafting, using examples from Swiss constitutional and administrative law. There are many different words and linguistic constructions, called presupposition triggers, that can be used to identify presuppositions. Presupposition has been a widely discussed topic in the philosophical and linguistic tradition since the beginning: Frege, in Über Sinn und Bedeutung (1892), claims that the use of a singular term presupposes the existence of the individual denoted. If a sentence is negated, the presupposition nevertheless remains intact, e.g. Therefore, there are presupposition triggers consisting of words, phrases, and structures. In (2), for instance, the presupposition in (2g) is tied to the presence of again—the word again is the trigger for the presupposition in (2g . one another in general by their triggers. 1.2.3 Examples of presupposition triggers Presuppositions are contributed by lexical items, so-called presupposition triggers. expressions are called presupposition triggers, and in the examples that follow, I will underline ones relevant to each example. The following example is an assertion that can be realized in v arious forms: For example, in (2), the trigger word stop asserts that the action of smoking was terminated at a certain time point and speech, this paper intends to analy ze the presupposition triggers at both lexical . words, referred to as presupposition triggers. Presupposition triggers and presupposition failure Presupposition failure is said to happen when a speaker utters a sentence p containing a presupposition trigger that activates apresupposition q, and q does not belong *Corresponding author. the semantic entailment in (3) dissolves whereas the presupposition in (2) survives. These linguistic forms are considered as indicators of potential presupposition, which can only become actual presupposition in contexts with speakers. Karttunen (n.d.) has collected thirty-one kinds of such triggers, and the following list is a selection from these (the examples provide positive and negative versions separated by / to allow the reader to check the inferences; the presupposition-triggers themselves are italicized; the symbol Stands for 'presupposes . Secondly, the theory of 'presupposition' will be introduced, including a full explanation of what a 'presupposition' is, as well as a list consisting of every presupposition trigger. Many verbs, for instance, often indicate the presence of one or more presuppositions.In the sentence "Jacob realized that his bicycle was broken," the verb "realized" is a trigger. Presupposition triggers!In English, presuppositions are usually triggered by lexical items!There are several tricks to find out whether a lexical item is a presupposition trigger or not!These tests are: "The negation test "The conditional test "The question test 14 Presupposition trigger test!Consider thesentence: Alex is a bachelor. 2. Key words: Presupposition, Descriptive Quantitative, Noun Phrase. For instance, the phrase my wife triggers the presupposition that I have a wife. assertive contents), in that they generally convey backgrounded, uncontroversial information with respect to the context of utterance. Types of Presupposition Presuppositions are associated with the use of a large number of words, phrases and structures. For both (1a) and (1b), the presupposition is present that Tom has a sister. But we recast their proposal, in order to account for the case of weak DDs, and to introduce the difference between types and tokens. For example, if pronounced with emphasis on John, the following sentence triggers the presupposition that somebody other than John had dinner in New York last night. Therefore, (1a) is a . In recent work on the semantics of definite descriptions, some theorists (Elbourne in Definite descriptions, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013; Schoubye in Noûs 47(3):496-533, 2013) have advocated broadly Fregean accounts, whereby a definite description 'the F' introduces a presupposition to the effect that there is exactly one F and refers to it if there is, while other theorists . Both positive and negative forms are presented, showing that the presuppositions are constant under negation: Definite descriptions. triggers. presupposition triggers, an excerpt of an even longer unpublished list attributed to a certain Lauri Karttunen. Keywords: Presuppositions, Soft Triggers, Scalar Implicatures 1 Introduction A much discussed topic in the presupposition literature is the fact that the presup-positions of some triggers appear to be more context dependent and more easily
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