Description. And dont throw, morph can kill you easily, let your team initiate and dont stick with just 1 target during haunt, with RO you . Topics include: the Dota show, 4 Death Prophet, Puck without blink builds, smurfs, Overwatch, the new player experience, possible changes coming to the game in the next few months, 4 Sniper, unsatisfying differences within itemization on carries, Mirana, Spectre, Aghanim's Shards, a very questionable Axe build, and more! Boss killing, mapping, deep delving — all fall before the spectral army we can employ, giving this build a rare flexibility that few others can boast of. As jolly as a favorite uncle, he injects every scene with crackling energy. plus he sucks at jungle farming so just don't give him space. Add all to Cart. And at level 4, the miss chance is 75%. etc. These should be pretty self-explanatory. This Product: SC Spectre 3.0 Case Silver - USD $ 1,399.00 USD $ 1,189.15. General Discussion - Offlane spectre - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats. With the reworks and tweaks to the heroes in Dota 2, we have a new tier list of safe lane cores. 13.4%. Some facts about roaming Position description. Now you can keep applying pressure to the enemy safelane or go back to mid and farm up your Medallion. However, by putting Lifestealer in an aggressive trilane with Jakiro and Undying, Tide mid, and Spectre in the safelane solo, Spectre can build up a few mid-game items like Drums and Diffusal to use her ultimate in conjunction with Ravage and Tombstone to do huge damage during a deathball push around level 10-11. Sep 23, 2019 #2 LC FTW destroy everybody with 1 key . Pippo^ 06. And although his win rate is more balanced in the Divine and Immortal . The best 2 mythics for a 5/3/3 setup are wargod and annunciation generally speaking. Not the solution I'd have gone for, but hey, whatever works. 2.8K 0 How not to be useless as Spectre (6.88) by Eango updated July 25, 2016. Iceyeti's team took a really weird approach to the problem in game 2, where they made the assumption that the real problem was that they couldn't sit on their ass for long enough for their carry to become relevant. The Smoke Screen radius is 375 at level 4 and its duration is 6 seconds. I guess the reasoning behind of getting only 1 point in crit rather than maxing it out asap like most payers do is to get consistent last hits rather than . Safelane: Typically the safelane has one carry and one support. Storm Spirit is literally a force of nature—the wild power of wind and weather, bottled in human form. Luna tends to fall off rather fast in this meta. Dota Hero Item Build - Luna Moonfang "Moon Rider" Luna Moonfang - The Moon Rider an agility type of hero which can be as the role of hitter and support in all his games. Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game developed and published by Valve. Day[9] Learns Dota - Hard Carry Domination - Spectre, Legion Commander, Phantom Lancer July 19, 2018 Day[9] Learns Dota - Spectre Safelane P2 I feel the number one safelane hero to counter Spec is definitely Lifestealer. 2017 . Juggernaut. Centaur Warrunner. Progression tree visually shows progression pairs. Gyro + AA/Zeus safelane #4: Tiny, Io, NP, Gyro, AA Tiny+Io mid NP solo safelane Gyro + AA dual offlane* * depends heavily on enemy team laning and draft Warlock is Spectre's best lane partner. In the early game, the Position 4 Support, also known as the Ganker or Roamer, has a very simple but often quite challenging mission: to anticipate where the enemy team will put pressure and prepare with a counter-initiation or, to identify weak spots and help create kills in those spots. Arrow shows the order in which the items were purchased, its thickness represents number of purchases in this . Ask anything you want to learn about Alex Prawira by getting answers on ASKfm. 14.1%. Best counters to Enchantress are illusion based heroes, such as Phantom Lancer or Chaos Knight. Get Plus Get Featured Hero Guides are based on TrueSight data from matches with a verified player or Plus subscriber. Bloodseeker is a solid laner, and can manage the mid lane against the right opponent, but I believe that in this meta he excels in duals, either in the safe or off lane. - Level 6, insta gank on mid. Position two: Solo mid. The game was addicting and evolving fast, the map creators realized an extreme hype and a fast-growing userbase - a new era was born, the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena).It is a complete movement, in MOBA's you typically play only one hero and its summons in . Hail to the King: How to Play Wraith King in 7.25b. 6.88b Guide In-Depth. Actually this hero is my favorite hero when I was started playing because moon rider is easy to control and only the basic item to build to become this hero dangerous. 04.10.2017. This Video Shows: How to Play Spirit Breaker Like a Pro 11K MMR with Super Max Charge Speed Moon Shard + Silver Edge Build. As mentioned above, Blur can be activated to dodge spells and ranged auto attacks if timed correctly. SC Spectre 3.0 Elite - Silver - USD $ 449.00 USD $ 381.65. Furion, Spectre . Warlock : Warlock is the best support after a long time on the sidelines. Dota 2's metagame is notorious for shifting and changing courses on a dime, given the flexible nature of hero roles and the huge impact items have on the game. Wraith King is the one of the best carries in Patch 7.25b. For Dota 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Tips for using Spectre?". in General Discussion. Size of the item represents number of purchases, node's border color represents winrate (orange is closer to zero, blue is closer to 100%). Spectre has been long known as one of the heroes which cannot be countered late game. Winning Team fights is the primary concern for Warlock. Will pick him if: - No reliable supports that can zone out Enemy offlane - Jungler ally. The focus of the build is to spam Death Pulse and help teammates to stay alive. Creeps now meet slightly closer to the Dire safelane Ancient Black Dragon bounty reduced from 199 to 170 . 15 . The best Dota 2 heroes are: Warlock. Dota 2 Pro - ILTW (Team Nigma Galaxy) Play Spectre Full Gameplay part 5 on Dota 2 7.30 Update Patch Role: Melee - C. 5 Votes. Spectre and Warlock is a known deadly duo. Puck. Black King Bar is a very useful item as this hero abilities are all Magical. As a result, a good spectre player will never give up. Spectral Dagger) Created New Tab: "Luxury Items" . The main goal is to reduce the opponent's . Siege damage against heroes increased from 75% to 85%. Slark. After the great overhaul from the 7.29 patch, Valve soon released 7.29b and 7.29c balancing updates. The biggest thing to look out for when picking a jungler is to ask yourself "is my safelane fine with only carry + 1 supp?". Riki can cast it every 7 seconds after level 15, if you . I include in the video all information you need such as item build, skill build, how to play, map awareness and every single details you should know to be a better player in DotA. My current hero stack: - Spectre - Luna - Keeper of the Light. 2. It provides several key advantages over Spec that other safelane heroes do not have. Spectre Reality no longer kills the target illusion, it now swaps positions . Skill Build (10 levels) Item Build SI MMR L R D IMP NP; Dreamocel won as Spectre 10 hours ago +5% Dispersion. 6.88f. . Pretty much, Lifestealer's whole kit is super effective against Spectre. But it was not always thus, and there was tragedy in his creation. Added Arcane Rune. SC Protium D5 PWM Pump - USD $ 96.00. The game is a sequel to Defense of the Ancients (DotA), which. Spectre is such a weak laner, that even the very best players can expect to lose laning stage for their team roughly 50% of the time. In this patch Alchemist if almost OP. Creep bounty increases by 1 gold per normal upgrade cycle. We provide all kinds of MMR and Medal allow you to play Ranked Matchmaking with skilled, adequate teammates and enemies, which is really important in a game. Dispersion 3. Ench can do very little to stop them. The two skill builds look different but the overall goal is the same, setting up for a good laning stage whilst optimizing your damage for your farming rotation. Spectre is widely regarded as one of the strongest late-game carries in Dota 2. Bloodseeker is one of the best last-hitters in the game. At lower mmrs where the game tends to last longer, Spectre is still doing pretty well. Spectre feeds on his Ultimate. She can benefit a lot from laning with active carries, who has the potential to make a kill, but can also work as a lane securer for a late-game core such as Spectre. Spectre New Skill Build: Q W E W W R W E E E R Q Q Q R (1. Supprisingly almost every 533 crossroad builds are choosing Annuciation Myth. I think i could make solo offlane spectre work. Any SAFELANE CARRY tips on his item build, skill build, ability interactions with items? This makes PA very strong against heroes that don't naturally build MKB (like Anti-Mage, Spectre, Luna) because it forces them to spend 5000 gold on an item they don't really want. Icefrog is the name of one of the main inventors of Dota 1: Defense of the Ancients and the most famous guy behind the scenes. After Refraction, you'll typically max Meld then Psi Blades since the Dragon Lance and Templar Assassin's level 10 talent make up for the missing attack range. If you want to see accounts in-stock, check it in available accounts And a boisterous, jovial, irrepressible form it is! Recognize that you are extremely strong at this point and can take down either of the enemy supports or perhaps even the enemy carry on your own. Spectre Build (safelane carry) by LakyBG updated November 11, 2016. 50.0%. 0 Votes. Spectre adalah Melee Agility Hero, Dia ini bukanlah carry biasa, dia adalah seorang "HARD CARRY" ,yang artinya dia adalah Hero yang sangat berbahaya di Late-Game. On a sidenote, heres a tip. win, vs sven, safelane, core, with omni, blademail shows won matches as carry . The support babysits the carry until he gets fat, the carry always needs a lot of time to get strong and to be able to take fights. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. In fact, if you won lane as a spectre but lost the game, YOU have thrown. Warlock is also great in combination with other greedy safelane cores, such as Morphling or Terrorblade . 20 +400 Health +100 Spectral Dagger Damage. I was wondering why kdnf players prefer Annuciation Myth that much. What is the role of Safelane in Dota 2? Safelane necrophos is a passive position for a good bit as his damage output is limited to a long cast time 1.5 second stun with variable damage and a medium AoE no target projectile nuke/heal don't exactly compare to the damage output of call down and rocket barrage, and in turn don't make him more than a clean up crew at best, and by no . As the second position from the top, solo mids enjoy high farm priority and solo experience. Enchantress is a versatile support. ; Adaptation Name Change: As there are no goblins in Dota 2 lore, the name of Alchemist's third skill was changed from Goblin's Greed to Greevil's Greed during the . 20 +400 Health +100 Spectral Dagger Damage . . Spectre's best weapon is taiji with yang mode on which gives her a -50% movespeed debuff. Competitive 2021-2022 Competitive stats for tier 1/2 events in 2021-2022 season Total observer wards planted: 5401 Build deathball spectre and kill all morphling team, when morphs bkb wears off focus the shit out of him with manta + diffusal. Slow and Steady They side-graded the Spectre into an Anti-Mage, which farms faster and comes online quicker, and then drafted . First of all, LS has built-in magic immunity which is crucial for playing against a Spectre. Imba Scepter Build Dota 2 13:17 Spectre- Opening Tracking Shot in 1080p 4:11 Spectre FuLLMovie HD (QUALITY) 1:58:29 Spectre Safelane | EG.Arteezy | RTZ GODLIKE SPECTRE IS THE BEST EZ CARRY | 7.30e Gameplay Highlights 16:35 Spectre 3:20 ARTEEZY Spectre Intense Game Beautiful Teamwork vs 6 Slotted Necrophos 15:12 SPECTRE - Tráiler oficial EN . There are several types of Spectres that are commonly used, however, this build focuses on making use of the Slave Drivers, an underutilized Spectre that actually puts the rest of them to shame. Like most Solo Mid heroes, TA should purchase an early Bottle. Enough with the talking, now let's take a look at our Top 10 Best Dota 2 Carries of this season. Anti-mage with Counterspell ability is also useful. 47.3%. Also necro, TB(his Ulti destroys Spectre), PL or other illusion heroes can counter him in lategame. 03. Phantom Lancer. There's always been a split between two distinct Spectre builds: one revolving around Radiance and one revolving around early fights and stats. However, this is not as easy as it sounds, especially during the laning stage. I.e. On a scale of Mirana to Spectre, how scalling is your hard carry? Where we've been. As the . Karena dia merupakan Hard Carry, dia biasanya menjadi incaran oleh para ganker di tim-lawan, tetapi Spectre cukup beruntung, dia memiliki ketahanan dan kemampuan escape yang lumayan tinggi, jadi dia tidak gampang dibunuh oleh lawan . Additional information. It's worth it, we promise. At every level, the 10% increase compared to the last patch is huge. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more. Spectre. Dont build HoT, dont build mkb just kill his teammates, RO diffusal, manta, radiance. This Video Show: NEW INVISIBLE SAFELANE Templar Assassin 26Kill Ez Melts Down Everything With Butterfly + Swift Blink Builds 7.30e Dota 2 Watch Now: https://. Thinking of jugg and luna right now. if ur safelane alch ur prolly x-x-4-1 @7 depending on ur lane kill ability if ur offlane (aka ancient stacking xd) ur 4-1-1-1 @7 as well.
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